About us

omid abbaszadeh
Omid Abbaszadeh
Date of Birth: 08/06/1989
Mobile Phone: +98-9124039462
Email: oabaszadeh04@gmail.com
Education: Non- Continuous Bachelor
Field Of Study: Electrical Engineering

amir sepehrband

Amir Hashem Sepehrband
Date of Birth: 23.04.1980
Mobile Phone: +989122585648
Email: Amirarsham2219@gmail.com
Education: Continuous Bachelor
Field Of Study: Electrical Engineering

Technical Abilities :
_ Designing of automatic fire fighting system and hydraulic calculations (gas, water,
_ Designing the piping networks and modeling
_ Knowledge of the equipment and fire fighting

Computer Skills:
_ Hydraulic calculations software: FM200 (VDS), CO2 (VDS, Coosa), IG (VDS)
_ Water Hydraulic calculations and sprinkler networks (Pipenet)
_ Piping modeling software: Auto Plant, Cad Worx

Consulting Services in fire fighting systems :
_ Design of fire alarm systems
. Standard of Design NFPA72

_ Designing of the Gas systems
. Types of Gas: CO2,FM200, IG
. Standard of Design: NFPA12, NFPA2001, NFPA72
. Calculation Software: VDS, Coosa
. Graphical software and 3D simulation: AUTOCAD, CADWORX,AUTOPLANT

_ Designing hydraulic systems
. Types of hydraulic systems: Dry, Wet, Fire Box
. Standard of Design: NFPA15, NFPA13,NFPA14, APL2030
. Calculation Software: PIPENET 3.4 , PIPENT VISION
. Graphical software and 3D simulation: AUTOCAD, CADWORX,AUTOPLANT

_ Designing foam systems
. Types of hydraulic systems: FOAM-WATER SPRINKLER ,LOW EXPANSION
. Standard of Design: NFPA16, NFPA11, NFPA11A
. Calculation Software: PIPENET 3.4 , PIPENT VISION
. Graphical software and 3D simulation: AUTOCAD, CADWORX,AUTOPLANT

Experiences in Designing of Fire Fighting Systems :
. Electrical Room - Control Room - Room Server - Generator Room - Control Room – Museums
. Pressure vessels - Pumps - Transformers - Oil tanks (CONE ROOF - FLOATING ROOF) -
Underground Fire Water Network
. Storage of paper and cardboard - rubber stocks - stocks of chemical
. Large commercial centers - parking Class - Offices - Tall Buildings

For over two decades, we have been at the forefront of safeguarding lives and properties through cutting-edge fire protection solutions.

Adorsanat team has earned a reputation for excellence, innovation, and reliability in designing, installing, and maintaining advanced fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems.

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Advanced fire alarm and extinguishing systems(1)
Advanced fire alarm and extinguishing systems(2)